Ultimate Gospel Songbook Pvg

Ultimate Gospel Songbook Pvg

30 chansons parmi les plus grands gospels arrangés pour piano et Voix (partition complètes + paroles)

Titres :
- Amazing grace
- Amen
- By an' by
- Certainly
- Deep river
- Didn't my lord deliver daniel
- Down by the riverside
- Ev'ry time I felle the spirit
- Free at last
- Give me jesus
- Go down, moses
- Go tell it on the mountain
- Good news
- Good news in the kingdom
- The gospeltrain
- He never said a mumbling word
- He's got the whole world
- Hush
- I’m gonna sing
- I’m on my way
- It's a me
- Joshua fight the battle of jericho
- Let us break bread together
- Michael rows the boat ashore
- Nobody knows
- Singing with a sword
- Somebody's knocking
- Sometimes I feel
- Were you there
- When the saints go marchin' in

80 pages

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