Michael Jackson This Is It P/V/G

Michael Jackson This Is It P/V/G

Michael Jackson This Is It: "The Music That Inspired the Movie" (Piano/vocal/chords) P/V/G
Partitions complètes des morceaux qui ont inspré le film posthume This is it de Michael JACKSON.
Sélection tirée du film transcriptions Piano Voix et diagrammes d'accords guitare. Livre en anglais

- Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
- Jam
- They Don't Care About Us
- Human Nature
- Smooth Criminal
- The Way You Make Me Feel
- Shake Your Body (Down to the Ground)
- I Just Can't Stop Loving You
- Thriller
- Beat It
- Black or White
- Earth Song
- Billie Jean
- Man in the Mirror
- This Is It.

120 pages
A partir de 5€ en occasion, 15€ en neuf

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